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Empowering Our Community

We believe in the power of collaboration to create a better community and taking action with urgency and care to serve those who need us the most.

Our mission

To ignite social change in the black communities in Lewisham. We are committed to collaboration transparency, innovation, and dedication.

Our Story

The Lewisham Black Voluntary Network (LBVN) for community sector organisations is an independent association of Black charitable service leaders and social entrepreneurs operating in Lewisham.


Our journey began in 2015, with a group of organisations coming together to form the Lewisham BME Network.  The BME Network hit a turning point during COVID-19 where we realised the depth of the growing need within our Black communities.  Following the relaxation of COVID rules and the world 'getting back to normal', we were determined to restructure and grow as a network that supports Black community organisations.  We understood that by working together we could overcome our challenges much more efficiently and therefore spent the next few years planning and increasing our resources. Ultimately in 2023, we were proud to launch the LBVN. 

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Our Initiatives

Making a Difference

Furthering our cause is the most important goal of the LBVN. We seek to support, empower and unite the Black community in Lewisham through the provision of high-quality resources. Our key performance indicators are measured by the value we provide to those we serve.

Learn more about what we do below.

Capacity Building

Building Our Businesses

LBVN is a leader in the sector and ensures that local needs and priorities come first. Capacity building support is available to voluntary organisations to help strengthen, grow and continue delivering to those most in need. 



We believe that to maximise support, it truly 'takes a village', this includes support for individual grassroot organisations. We believe that together we are stronger and more equipped to successfully serve our community and improve lives.


Empowering Our Community

Empowering local organisations is what we strive to do by providing access to resources, training and guidance on organisational development.  We encourage the belief that making a real difference is possible and essential. 

From Idea to Reality: The Evolution of LBVN

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