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About Us

The Lewisham Black Voluntary Network (LBVN) is an independent, association of Black charitable service leaders and social entrepreneurs operating in Lewisham.


Our Objectives

​Some of our objectives:

  • Foster a community of Black voluntary, community leaders, members and social entrepreneurs in Lewisham.

  • Facilitate peer learning and support through regular meetings, events, online community platforms and workshops.

  • Provide access to resources and training specifically tailored to the needs of Black-led social entrepreneurs and community organisations in Lewisham.

  • Advocate for policies that support Black-led organisations within the third sector in Lewisham.

  • Connect Black-led VCSEs with funding sources and investors.

  • Highlight the impact of the Black third sector in Lewisham and beyond.

Our Values

Our Beliefs

​Collaboration - together we are stronger
Change - catalyse systems change for our communities
Proactive - in our approach to providing solutions
Respect - for one another, our communities and stakeholders
Commitment - to fostering a lasting change for our communities

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Our Members

We are a network of charities, community groups, community interest companies and other voluntary services in Lewisham dedicated to primarily supporting Black and global communities.  Our network members belong to organisations that provide a variety of specialist and community support in the areas of health, wellness, youth services, research, community development, social care, IT, cyber security, environmental change and many more.


We support and uplift our communities and believe in the power of collaboration, working closely with statutory services and third parties to improve relationships and create a positive impact in the lives of those we serve. 

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